By panipopos

And give cheers you lot to all you lot readers that back upward together with encourage this blog.
Here is the video for making oka i 'a. Enjoy!
I actually appreciate every e-mail or comment I cash inward one's chips , peculiarly from people who accept tried the recipes on this blog. Vali from Hawai'i wrote that her together with her sis made keke pua'a together with panipopo all inward i weekend! She fifty-fifty sent photos which had me salivating at the computer. Check out Vali's baking:
She writes:
It was an amazing weekend of fun , baking ,Vali , you lot made me immature lady all those times I cooked amongst my sisters.
bonding together with groovy memories created.
Thank you lot for sharing.
And give cheers you lot to all you lot readers that back upward together with encourage this blog.
Here is the video for making oka i 'a. Enjoy!
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